About The Author


Hamilton Williams is an independent author and artist. Her works have been featured in multiple publications. She is a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction. An artist who creates with a passion in all mediums, her artwork has won various awards.

Avant Garde writing and always pushing boundaries, Hamilton has a keen interest in individual behavior and how it effects the development of a character. An animal lover and science nerd, she uses her knowledge to enhance her stories. Always looking on the bright side, Hamilton injects humor into even the darkest of topics. She loves traveling the world with her partner, sampling new cultures and experiencing different ways of life.

In addition to her writing and art pursuits, Hamilton generously volunteers her time teaching free art and science classes for children. She is also the mother of six wonderful children, eighteen mediocre chickens, one evil rooster that hates blue pants, and three unruly dogs who are plotting her demise. Her hobbies include photographing bees, chasing the high of laughter, hybridizing daylilies, and creating an army of chickens.